Sonya Donaldson (Jamaica)
English Department, University of Virginia. Sonya focuses on African American literature and African Diasporic Studies. She is currently working on a digital project that examines the relationship between Afro-German autobiographical works and slave narratives.
Leonardo Flores (Puerto Rico)
Associate Professor of English and Associate Dean of Assessment and Educational Technologies, UPR-Mayagüez. He is interested in digital preservation and access of old Macromedia Director files, and seeks to digitize and create collections of Puerto Rico’s cultural heritage, such as its historical and literary documents and music.
Amanda French (USA)
THATCamp Coordinator at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, helping scholars worldwide organize their own version of The Humanities and Technology Camp.
Alex Gil (Republica Dominicana)
English Department, University of Virginia. Alex Gil formally works on otr-American literatures and culture, digital humanities and critical theory. A Scholars’ Lab and NINES fellow, Alex is currently building a digital wonderland around Aimé Césaire’s poetic drama, “Et les chiens se taisaient.”
Rennie Mapp (USA)
English Department, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. When she is not wearing her digital humanities hat, Rennie works on questions of aesthetic taste and gender in British Victorian novels.
James Neal (USA)
MLS graduate student at the University of Maryland College of Information Studies, Maryland’s iSchool. James’ extensive experience includes work for the PeaceCorps, academic and scholarly publishing, and research in anthropology.

Kimberly Palmer (St. Vincent & Grenadines)
Kimberly’s work hinges on the intersection of identity, memory, social movements and performance in the Caribbean, with a particular focus on the ongoing Garifuna cultural and social movements in her home island of St. Vincent. She is also the Coordinator for the International Advisory Board with The Garifuna Heritage Foundation (TGHF)
Amilcar Priestley (Panama)
Director of Proyecto Afrolatin@. Amilcar is currently building a platform for afrodescendientes to explore issues of citizenship, participation and rights in our times. His recent research focuses in particularly on the use of mobile technology as access for economic survival.

Mamyrah Prosper (Haiti)
Global & Sociocultural Studies (Sociology, Anthropology, Geography), Florida International University (FIU). Mamyrah’s work focuses on Haitian social movements, particularly the current rising « anti-Occupation » movement. This summer, she will begin her fieldwork in Port-au-Prince.

Marta S. Rivera Monclova (Puerto Rico)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Framingham State College. Combining digital methods with ethnic and gender studies, Marta has become an important part of the #transformdh movement. She has recently begun work on a digital, bilingüal edition of Tato Laviera.
Lauren Tilton (USA)
Second year American Studies graduate student at Yale University with a Master’s Concentration in Public Humanities. Lauren focuses on 20th century visual culture with a particular interest in documentary expression. She is THATCampCaribe’s main liaison with the ASA.
German Vargas (Puerto Rico)
German Vargas is a doctoral student in the Math, Science, & Learning Technologies program of the School of Education at UMass Amherst. His “mad scientist” approach to the Digital Humanities involves mixing volatile quantities of Information Architecture, User-Experience Design, and Critical Pedagogy into the development of media for teaching and learning.